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The World Uses a Variety of Different Energy Sources

The world relies on a variety of energy sources. Fossil fuels — including natural gas, petroleum and coal–accounted for more than 80 percent of the energy consumed in the year 2018. Renewable sources such as solar power, wind power biomass, hydroelectricity and biomass are responsible for 14 percent. Nuclear energy is responsible for another 5percent. Different countries use various energy sources, balancing environmental and economic requirements.

Nature provides energy in many forms such as wind, sun, waves and ocean. When harnessed and converted into more practical forms of energy, such as heat or electricity, they are called primary sources. When https://leonardogiombini.it/2019/05/11/cosa-sono-gli-impianti-a-biomasse/ the energy source is exhausted, they become nonrenewable energy sources.

The environment is damaged by many fossil fuels, along with other non-renewable sources of energy. For instance, mining for oil can strip the planet’s pristine forests. Fracking (hydraulic fracturing) can cause earthquakes and water pollution. Burning coal releases carbon dioxide, contributing to global warming.

Fortunately there are many promising sources of energy are renewable and sustainable. Wind, solar, and hydropower can generate, for instance electricity without the need to dig for new sources.

Other sustainable energy sources are emerging, such as wave power and tidal energy. To be utilized on a large-scale, these technologies require efficient distribution networks. They need to be constructed, which requires the use of non-renewable energy sources. These sources are not able to fulfill the majority of our energy requirements. It’s important to remember that the prices of renewable energy equipment has drastically decreased in recent years and the efficiency of these equipments is growing.


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