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Setting Up a Data Room

Setting up a dataroom is essential if you are just beginning to grow and want to show investors the viability of your venture. In our experience, the companies that secure funding have a persuasive pitch deck as well as a well-organized and accessible data room.

The most important aspect of creating a Data Room is to structure the documents and folders so that prospective buyers are able to understand what they are looking at. This could include creating an index, or a table of contents which outlines the principal folders of your data room (such as “Finance” and “Marketing”). Within these sections, you’ll want to create subfolders which further arrange documents according to topic. This will assist buyers in finding the information they need and speed up the due diligence process.

Additionally, you’ll want to ensure you’ve included a section that focuses on your company’s existing customers and references. This will help investors understand the customer base of your company and also see how far you’ve come in your industry.

Invite users to join your data room after having completed the structure. You can access this via the User Management section on the Manage your Dataroom try this site page. Secure virtual data rooms come with granular permission settings that allow you to invite users with the specific access rights they need to access documents. This is a significant advantage over traditional data rooms, which require everyone to be present at the same time and are only accessible during office hours.


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