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How to Write a Board of Directors Resolution


Board resolutions are legally binding documents that reflect the results of votes and decisions taken by your company’s board of Directors at the board meeting. Major situations, like appointing new directors, firing or hiring employees, and selling company shares all call for an official board resolution as evidence that your board has approved these important decisions.

To draft a board of directors resolution, your first step is to identify the type of decision you are making. Review your company’s policy to determine if it requires an ordinary or a special resolution. The company’s legal documents could include a list of directors who are required to vote in favor of the decision. For example, you might require a quorum of least three directors in order to pass an agreement that is legally binding decisions.

Start with the appropriate title for the document. This will help you find the resolution document quickly in your records system. Include a unique resolution number for your document-keeping system. This will let you easily refer to the resolution in the future.

It is vital that all directors take a vote on your resolution after it’s been written. This is why it’s a great idea to make use of board portal software that helps make the process of writing resolutions as well as e-signing them simple and easy.


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