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How to Use Online Board Meeting Technology to Support Productive Discussions and Decision-Making

Online board meetings are becoming more popular in the non-profit sector. As more boards adopt video meetings, the frequency of these meetings is increasing. Some people believe that face-to–face meetings are more effective. However, it is important to be aware of how to use technology that is virtual to help facilitate productive discussion and decision-making.

1. Use a board meeting tool that is simple to use.

There are a variety of free or low-cost online video conferencing platforms that could be used to host your virtual board meeting. The important thing is to choose a platform that will work for everyone on your board. If you have board members who are spread out across the country, or across the globe, it’s recommended to include a screen-sharing feature. If your board has a limited budget, you can also think about phone conferences that provide audio only for those who don’t have video capabilities.

2. Begin the meeting by presenting a concise agenda.

A more concise agenda can help your meeting run smoothly and prevent it from becoming too long. It also forces you to focus Data room on the most important subjects and ensures that every person is given the opportunity to speak.

3. Schedule the meeting for an time that is convenient for all attendees.

You’ll need to take into consideration the location of your board members, as well as the times they can attend the meeting. It is also important to consider any other factors that could influence their ability to attend, such as early mornings or late night hours hectic commutes, and typical break times.


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